Projekt:                       Mainstreaming Intergenerational Solidarity” – MATES (Ended)Rahastaja:                   Grundtvig Integratsiooniprojektid
Lepingu nr.                  2008 - 3176/001-001
Projektijuht:                 Portugal 


1.  Enrol countries ever or scarcely represented in the development of Intergenerational Projects under Grundtvig Programme, since 2000: 10 countries.
2.  Organize a 2 days meeting and public open debate, with partners (11 countries) and 3 experts from non-participating countries. a.  The meeting will be audio and video recorded, to further uses.
3.  Produce a Publication “Guide of Ideas to Plane and Implement  Intergenerational Projects“, made after the Products and Outcomes, of previous Grundtvig Projects, since 2000. a.  These Publication will be translated in the 10 languages of the Partnership: French, German and English, (the 3 most spoken in the EU)  and also in language of small countries, that usefully don’t get information in their native language: ET, LT, LV, SL, EL and PT b.  These “Guide of Ideas” will be sent to institution in all 27 UE Member Stats.

4.  Produce a Card (13x10 cm) drawing attention to need off “Learning in later life; Inter-generational and family learning” , mentioning website: translated in 23 languages of the EU. a.  50.000 copies will be reproduced and distributed.

5.  Produce a website with .eu domain will concentrate presentations of the selected Projects and links / information’s on how to get the final products – Online Library of Intergenerational Projects.
6.  Participate in the “2009 Employment Week” and other key-events, in the 11 Country Partners.

7.  Summative evaluation Report of the Project.  


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